Graceful Yellow Roses Bouquet


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Suitable for

  • Birthday, For Her, Anniversary, Friendship, Congrats, Thanks You, For MOM

Free Message Card.


  • Regular - 10 stalks of yellow roses & baby breath
  • Medium - 15 stalks of yellow roses & baby breath
  • Large - 20 stalks of yellow roses & baby breath


Order 2 days in advance. Please WhatsApp us if have special requirement.


Order before 3pm for same day delivery.


Yellow roses are universally known as symbols of friendship,

most people give them to each other for their birthdays or to celebrate the love between two good friends.

Pretty much because yellow is the color of happiness!

Bright yellow roses are a sign of a smile.

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Regular, Medium, Large

Ferrero Rocher

Without, 3, 6

LED Light

With LED, Without LED

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yellow rose

Graceful Yellow Roses Bouquet


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